简介 The series was inspired by real-life Irish American brothers from the Irish neighborhood of South Boston: James "Whitey" Bulger, Jr., a gangster who has been on the F.B.I.'s Most Wanted List for 10 years as a fugitive from justice, and Senator William Bulger (known as "Billy"), a powerful state politician who was President of the Massachusetts Senate and later president of the University of Massachusetts higher educational system. 故事发生在美国罗德岛州首府 Provindence 的海港, 风化的排房, 斑驳的拖船, 那里的爱尔兰裔社区, 被称作"the Hill", 旧时的江湖道义还潜移默化地影响着这个强悍的蓝领阶层. Caffee 兄弟的亲情在道德深渊边摇摇欲...