日蚀的日子 (1988)免费解说文案素材

简介 The film Days of Eclipse is based on a novel by famous Soviet science fiction writers — brothers Arcady and Boris Strugatsky. The action has been transferred to the Central Asia where a young Russian
doctor gives treatment to children and tries his hand at writing. Introducing us a young contemporary at the crossroads (for the first time in Sokurov's work), this film becomes the first part of a cinema trilogy. This character, whose formative years pass in the situation of broken and showing its cracks way of life, becomes a link between three of Sokurov's films. The whole ...- Mannialanck
Sokurov tâtonne encore à cette époque pr éveiller un style personnel. Difficile d’apprécier cet univers onirique et déroutant où les visions incertaines règnent et l’étrangeté flotte comme cette image
- 蘇小北
- 丁一
- 峰峰峰峰
- 文森Vincent
- 小鸭之友
迷迷糊糊 神游的感觉也不错
- 弗雷泽
- 白色巨大猫抱枕
- 乔治洗衣机
若和后两部 (90/92) 合称的话 (*co-existence of daily life+messages/messengers from Nowhere) 不如说是“死亡三部曲” 最后看这部略困惑 室内的日常/静止长镜和风情画般的环境介绍还是有很强的割裂 或许是有意所为 但很明显后两部将重心放在人物/室内的时候一下就戳了 太阳的热量 没有你我无法成活