简介 英国电视剧《神勇斗士》,讲述三个政府特工克雷格、沙伦、理查德所坐的飞机撞毁在喜马拉雅山上,他们被当地神秘人所救,并被给与了超能力,从此三人开始了与各种势力和邪恶斗智斗勇…… 此片在1968年到1969年间共播出30集。 The series starred Stuart Damon as Craig Stirling, Alexandra Bastedo as Sharron Macready and William Gaunt as Richard Barrett. The characters are agents for a United Nations law enforcement organization called "Nemesis", which is based in Geneva. The three have different backgrounds and skills: Barrett is a code breaker, Stirling a pilot, and Macready a scientist and doctor. During a mission, their plane crashes in the Himalayas and they are r...