弯刀少女大出动! (2010)免费解说文案素材

简介 A fast moving odyssey i nto the subterranean world of the rarely explored province of Filipino genre filmmaking. Karate-kicking midgets! Paper-mache monsters! Busty babes with blades! Filipino genre f
ilms of the '70s and '80s had it all. Boasting cheap labour, exotic scenery and non-existent health and safety regulations, the Philippines was a dreamland for exploitation filmmakers whose renegade productions were soon engulfing drive-in screens around the globe like a tidal schlock-wave! At last, the all-too-often overlooked world of drive-in filler from Manilla gets the Ma...- 皮革业
- 迪奥
B级纪录片 到处都是奶子
- プン
- 荒林
- strongman
- max
- mdld
- Old Fart
John Landis:I respect and admire Roger Corman,but he is full of shit! He is about money, Roger is about money!!Because he is about money,he is giving many many people their breaks which means I gonna
- Adarkwalker
70年代的菲律宾正是马科斯独裁时期,政局动荡,在这样危险的环境下诞生的剥削电影主要围绕反抗和女性革命,但John Landis说得对,人们只是想用最低的预算消费最大的胸部和屁股,看到依然健在的Pam Grier和Rosanne Katon等当红女星,当然还有Roger Corman。
- wongkaho
本來是exploitation, 變成了一個女性,黑人, 亞洲人,侏儒發圍的機會,一個銀真係有兩面。
艾美黛(Imelda Marcos)真係幾有星味!!!