简介 艾罗·门蒂兰塔是一名前奥运会滑雪冠军,曾经的芬兰国家英雄,而今他却是名衰老固执的老人,在幽静的芬兰森林中放养驯鹿。此时,他的孙子音乐家维克多从城里回到林中向他寻找答案。这是一部关于乡愁的电影,即便你可能连家在何方也不清楚;这是一部关于追求真实的影片,在现代生活中难免被空虚困扰的时刻中对本质和意义的追求。 Eero Mäntyranta, once an Olympic champion and a Finnish national icon, is now an old, stubborn reindeer keeper, secluded in the dark Finnish forests. His grandson Viktor turns to him for answers. This is a film about being homesick, even when you might nolonger know where your home is. It is about longing for something to be real, for something to finally give meaning and substance in a modern life that sometimes feels empty.