简介 據說在東西柏林圍牆之間,有著神祕的兔子天堂。兔子小埃遵照家族長老之命,從維也納來到柏林,要尋找傳說中那些巨大又健美的兔子。小埃在街頭經歷一番冒險,終於遇到心上人,然而柏林圍牆即將倒塌,他們能順利過一劫嗎?改編自德國知名童書,以黏土動畫手法,從「兔子觀點」幽默地見證了上個世紀的重大歷史事件。 The hero, Esterhazy, is a young, purblind and sawn-off bunny from the Esterhazy-Dynasty in Vienna. He is sent to Berlin by the Patriarch Count Esterhazy, to find a huge, healthy and beefy bunny woman near the mysterious Berlin Wall. After a long and extensive search, he finds his paradise (bunnies’ paradise that existed in the reality in between the East and West part of the Berlin Wall). Esterhazy will move there with the love of his life...