简介 这是一部只有1万美元拍摄费用的超低成本影片,采用的摄影器材是DV,影片的拍摄也是采用即兴的方法。《抽烟的圣诞老人》讲述的是追星的青年和天使的浪漫故事,内容涉及同性之爱,是一部手法颇为大胆前卫的影片。影片以纽约的圣诞节为背景,主人公是一个打扮成圣诞老人分发传单的男子。圣诞节的晚上,男子正在分发传单,街上来来往往的人们脸上充满了幸福,男子刚想休息一下抽支烟的时候,天使出现了…… Santa Smokes was made with the "mini" motto, working on a "mini"-budget with a "mini"-team and using a "mini"-DV camera. The Directors, Schauder and Valentien, had a vision that was as bold as it was simple: they wanted to produce an independent Christmas picture that could be marketed during the holiday season - not just once, but every year - while holding...