扬基的骄傲 (1948)免费解说文案素材

简介 Gary Cooper plays Lou Gehrig, the first baseman for the Yanks who suffered from a crippling and incurable disease. Even when Gehrig was a student at Columbia University, the press had already pegged h
im as a top ballplayer. Soon the New York Yankees s elected Gehrig for their lineup, and he became an overnight sensation on the baseball diamond. But this dedicated player--who had never missed a game once he stepped onto a Major League Baseball field--suddenly fell ill with a mysterious disease. As his body began to fail him, Gehrig had to say good-bye to the fans who idolized him and to the spo...- 维罗尼
Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. 今年是Lou Gehrig 退役75周年,Gehrig与Babe Ruth 同期,为洋基效力17个赛季,6次世界大赛冠军,生涯.340/.447/.632,大联盟第一个背番退役的球员。患肌肉萎缩于38岁去世,后该病以他的名字命名。
- HurryShit
- 秦诺诺
- 糕41
我来自纽约,我为洋基队打球。这部电影充满了乐趣,直到Lou Gehrig做完演讲从人声鼎沸的洋基球场走进黑暗的球员通道。
- 神威太太
原作Paul Gallico
- kitlorovers
相當精彩的人物傳記片,記錄美國棒球史鐵人「打擊王」路爾斯佳域傳奇的一生(Wiki一下發現此君相當不得了)。谷巴完美演繹,杜麗莎繼續鄰家少女+苦情戲女王,同類電影的翹楚,留意佳域生前的師兄,另一傳奇人物聖嬰Ruth飾演回他自己,還有Bill Dicky。
- 狮与羊
时间上横跨整个人生的传记片模版,剧本打磨地很好。Gary Cooper是黄金时代最喜欢的男星,Teresa Wright每次出镜都很夺眼球。
- lalawow
- 芝麻糊
The Pride of the Yankees
- y