简介 1946 在澳大利亚逗留期间,在悉尼的码头工人协助下,秘密拍摄《印度尼西亚在呼唤》,记述澳大利亚码头工人拒绝为荷兰船只卸装运往印度尼西亚的武器等情况。荷兰当局不仅禁映这部影片,而且借口护照问题,对伊文思采取了进入国境的“惩罚性措施”。 Appointed by the Dutch government as a Film Commissioner of the Dutch East Indies, Joris Ivens was supposed make educational and informational films and to film the liberation of Indonesia. However, when he arrived in Sydney and found out that the Dutch government had no intentions to make Indonesia an independent country, but restore the pre-war colonial situation in Indonesia, if necessary with military violence, and this being in contradiction with the information...