英国医生 (2007)免费解说文案素材

简介 What is it like to have God like surgical powers, yet to struggle against your own humanity? What is it like to try and save a life, and yet to fail? Shot in a Ukrainian hospital full of desperate pat
ients and makeshift equipment, The English Surgeon is an intimate portrait of brain surgeon Henry Marsh as he wrestles with the dilemmas of the doctor patient relationship. Its like selling your soul to the devil, but what can you do? My son had a brain tumour as a baby and I was desperate for someone to help me. I simply cant walk away from that need in others Henrys own emo...- mOco
- 冰山李
- 长个儿
我只能说太完美了 细节的追求 逻辑的过渡 立体的人格 人性 生命 道义 完美!
- 艾小柯
- 允承
it is not the dishonesty involved, but about avoiding truth and try not to tell lies. 医生医学生必看
- kevin
- Hesperid
小成本纪录片 像医生的vlog剪辑出来的。这个医生的书里就说自己一直处于anxious和brave之间 性格孤僻 工作投入 导致他的第一段婚姻27年以后结束。每个病人都不一样 但是每个医生的性格也很不一样吧。这段在乌克兰的影片里的是Henry一个人孤独的身影 独在异乡 面对别人的生死
- kittyin
very very emotional 纪录片做成这样太不容易了
- 少女地中海
- Mr. N