异性吸引力 (1989)免费解说文案素材

简介 Three years after his divorce from his model-wife is the psychologist Larry Livingstone ready for a new commitment. He falls in love with the young widow Beth who has two children. But Beth and the ch
ildren are still in mourning over their dead husband and father and Larry finds it a bit difficult to penetrate their reservations. Larry himself has to deal with his ex-wife and his love for his own two kids. Slowly both Beth and the children realise that they have to go on with their lives and that they have been giving a second chance.- 艾素诗
- fly
看了一半 挺喜欢
- 被误导了吗
没字幕的影片中观感较好的一部,有字幕就更完美了…Jeff Bridges这个年龄拍的影片都一个风格,喝酒时的样子、玩世不恭的态度、发型…有时候没字幕会影响观影的流畅度,但不会影响观影…无声片的时代也是有的…
- LSomnusy
- 啊嚏
- Ailsaaaa
Wanna find this kind of husband.
- Wayne
- chimaybe
- 酸奶冰淇淋
Three years after his divorce from his model-wife is the psychologist Larry Livingstone ready for a new commitment. He falls in love with the young widow Beth who has two children.
- 弗朗索瓦