诱惑与遗弃 (2013)免费解说文案素材

简介 James Toback:" The film idea was generated by conversations Alec and I have had over a long period of time and we decided we'd go to Cannes and shoot a record of our quest to find money to m
ake a movie, which in effect is not a movie we're definitely making, but rather one we will make in the future if we raise the money for it here. This film is about that process, documenting the progress and the potential success or failure of the two of us in a picaresque attempt to obtain the financing of a movie we have a general idea about making."- 何倩彤
又是馬田史高西斯… -_-
- Steamed Punk
冲着各种轶事趣闻和对大导们的面对面访谈就已非常值得一看。不过片子重心还是放在了讨论电影产业和市场的艰难上,特别是看到Orson Wells的一句"我人生95%的时间都在筹钱只有5%的时间在拍片"在片中被反复论证大概很多对进入电影产业抱着理想主义的人都会受到打击吧。。
- SingLesinger
- 深夜声噎
- 柯里昂
- 澹幽
- 梵
剪辑太过混乱。No money, no film.对于戛纳也是一样
- Urkel Grue
- 江边一只鸟
- ʞɔɐus