越过森林 (1949)免费解说文案素材

简介 Rosa Moline is the neglected wife of a small-town Wisconsin doctor. She grows bored and becomes infatuated with a visiting Chicago businessman. She extorts money from her husband's patients and u
ses the cash to flee to Chicago, but the businessman does not welcome her. She returns home and becomes pregnant by her husband. The businessman has a change of heart and follows her to Wisconsin. He wants her back, but not her baby, so she attempts to abort by throwing herself down a hill and gets peritonitis, dying in what Bette Davis called "the longest death scene ever seen on the screen.- cactus flower
What a dump的出处。
- SundanceKid
- 南宫云
Bette Davis饰演的Rosa就像是惊悚版的美国包法利夫人,有一个老实巴交的做医生的丈夫,过着无聊枯燥的小镇生活,向往着大城市充满幻想的生活,在无意或有意当中,偶然有了一个情人,期待着这个人能带她走出乏味的小镇。然而梦想往往都是以破碎告终,连带着赔上身家性命。
- 一朵Faye魚
角色设置感觉有点荒唐,Doctor Moline和Neil Latimer的演员应该互换一下,面对这么一个疯狂不安分的女人还能包容至此&默默守候,再加上Joseph Cotten的个人魅力,女人离开他那不脑子短路了么。。。
- stknight
- 不玩豆瓣
- 枪杀杰西詹姆斯
- 倪叩先生
怎么我看的是蓝光版的? 翻新了。。但实在一般
- 水牛
- Caneloni
靠BD一个人撑的电影基本就意味着除了她的big fat ego你看不到多少别的东西。