简介 在本拉登被击毙四个月后,包括美国总统奥巴马在内的白宫内部人员,在镜头前重述了计划的前前后后。我们将看到他们如何追踪本拉登的一名被代号为“科威特人”的信使,直至发现世界头号通缉犯在阿伯塔巴德的藏身之处。我们也会看到他们如何否定了最容易实行的轰炸计划而又是如何训练海豹突击队来完成此次任务。 Four months after the shooting dead of Osama bin Laden, White House insiders – including the US President, Barack Obama, himself – talk on camera about how the operation was planned. We hear about how tracking a bin Laden accomplice known as “The Kuwaiti” led American intelligence to the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, where the world’s most wanted man was in hiding; we also hear how they rejected the idea of bombing the compoun...