佐治米高伦敦演唱会 (2009)免费解说文案素材

简介 Live in London is a live concert recording of George Michael's finals two concerts in London's Earls Court Exhibition Centre on 24 and 25 August 2008 as part of his 25 Live tour. This is the
first live DVD of George Michael's career. It was released on DVD and Blu-ray formats on 7 December 2009 in the UK, Europe and Australia, and on 8 December 2009 in the USA and Canada. The DVD will have subtitles for spoken portions of the DVD in several languages. The highly anticipated shows on the DVD marked the end of George Michael's triumphant 25 Live Tour and were the last chance ...- benlovingmusic
- K
我看見那對中年情侶在Careless Whisper音樂響起時的激動
- まるい
- redhousepainter
为什么这张dvd没有dts音轨?为什么这场演出里没有waiting for that day?为什么偶在27岁才看到老麦的演唱会?
- tlmgt
他45岁这时的Vocal是我觉得最没得挑的 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzMyNDcyNTQ0.html
- JR
- cafe americano
Thank you for 25 amazing years.
- 猴儿again
奇怪的曲面屏幕减一分………… 演出本身很不错,剪辑一般。
- 无系之舟
天籁之音本是形容女歌手吧 但他称得起 台风迷人 首首经典
- 瑋