扎克·格雷尼尔Zach Grenier
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 水瓶座
- 出生日期:
- 1954-02-12
- 出生地:
- 美国,新泽西州,恩格尔伍德
- 作品数:
- 5部
简介 扎克·格雷尼尔(Zach Grenier)星座水瓶座,出生于1954-02-12 美国,新泽西州,恩格尔伍德职业为,Zach Grenier (born in Englewood, New Jersey February 12, 1954) is an American actor who has worked in film, television and on stage. He went t
o Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan, graduating in 1972.He appeared in the first series of the television show 24 as Carl Webb, was in Deadwood, and on several episodes of Law & Order. He currently plays David Lee, a senior attorney in The Good Wife.
In film he played Edward Norton's boss in Fight Club and Mel Nicolai in Zodiac, both David Fincher films. He also appeared in the movie Twister as Eddie, Dr. Jonas Miller...